Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Rainbow Promises Past and Present

My friend "Lizzy-Lu" asked me to send her a photo from a particular event that we were at together in 1995.  She wanted a photo from which she could make something special for Christmas.  Here is the photo I sent her of the circular rainbw in the sky, which I retrieved from an old scrapbook.

On this particular day, a small number of Christians were gathered in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, desiring to honor God in the gathering.  At noon, as we stood there, the clock-tower rang forth in song, and in the sky above the tower we all witnessed a beautiful circular rainbow overhead.

You cannot see the entire circle of a rainbow in this photo, but let me assure you, this rainbow arch is a continuous one that goes all the way around the tower over our heads.  Beautiful!  We were all reminded of God promises that day and were thankful for the reminder in the sky of his promises to us, especially as we prayed together that day.

Elizabeth reminded us all, this Christmas with her poem and photo much improved from my own, that the promises of God are amazing indeed.  She also reminded me again of that day we were together at the park and what a special moment it was when we  considered the circular rainbow in the sky.

Reading around in the internet I found this page someone posted regarding the promises of God and how God is faithful and true to his promises.   I will post it here for your consideration.

All this to say, thanks Liz!  Nice reminder.  Love you!

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