I took Zoob, my furry little friend on an adventure. We went to play at the house of a little girl I know, who, upon meeting Zoob, thought he... (or maybe "she,") was the most wonderful little kitten in the world. She even gave Zoob a new name... "Snookie."
Zoob felt right at home.... and became Snookie in an instant.
Snookie did everything he normally does at my house, at her house. He even did some new things that he liked very much.
He played on a soft fluff ball... It was his favorite color, "magenta."
He read the a little bit of the Cat Club Gazette...
and even curled up to take a little nap with balls of his favorite cotton yarn. Then he played outside.
Did yuu see anything?
Snookie thought he did.
He thought he saw a mouse!
Snookie went on a mouse hunt....
He didn't catch a mouse, but hunting for one was fun.
Later, he learned a new chord on the guitar.
Then he sang a special kitty song about mousies.
But the best part of the day was a tea party with some friends...
and the kitty-kiss at the end of the very busy day.
Snookie loved it here.
He told me that he wouldn't mind staying here and making this his home. He liked being a cat with this sweet, kind and gentle, loving little girl.
I agreed that it would be a good idea... that is, if she wanted him to... and if her parents said he could stay.
Well, wouldn't you know, it all worked out and he did.
Then we had to say good-bye.
You see, I liked my kitty friend and now he had a new home.
We all miss our friends and families when they are someplace else, busy having fun and having adventures of their own.... without us . But that is how life is sometimes... It's good times sandwiched in-between times of work, sleep, even loneliness and doing things we just do not like to do, but we have to. Without my kitty friend I was feeling like I had left something behind. I felt like I was missing out on some kitty fun.
I must admit, I felt a little sad, but I knew in my heart that it was the right thing to do. I had some work to do at home... so I had to leave... and he had a new home. He was busy too, being a little toy cat.
Pretty soon I quit being sad. I quit being sad just in time too, because, as you know.. "you just never know what a day will bring," and to my surprise, something marvelous happened while I had been gone from home.
Now, there was a surprise for me!
Can you guess what it was?
No. It wasn't a flower...blooming It was just as marvelous as that.. but this surprise, especially at this particular moment, was even better!
Well.... While I was gone that day Nate and George had found something special outside....
Do you see this cat? This is Tansy. It seems that Tansy (shortend for Tanzania) had been hiding a little something in the shed.
Can you guess what it is?
What could it possibly be?
She is good at keeping surprises... at least until the right time. She is, after all, a cat.
Here she is taking a cat bath, being rather nonchalant, you might say.
Then, when you least expect it, SURPRISE! She surprises you.
There it is!
Momma cat had kittens!
There was only one.
Nate named him. His name is "Alexander," formally anyhow.
He is a little bit wild now. He hisses at people and hides from anything that looks like danger. It's hard to be small, especially when you are small as a kitten, but someday he might be tame and more affectionate.
I love it when stories have happy endings and this was two stories with two happy endings, one for Zoob and one for me... Having a real live kitten around is a happy ending indeed!
The End.