Sweet Dreams, in case you would like to know, are a type of peach that we heard about from Marty, who was the instigator of this adventure. He says they are absolutely delicious! He has witnesses too.
Even along our travels when we asked about this particular peach, other people testified to the notion that these were the peach of peaches.... but no one had Sweet Dream peaches in their possession.
Marty had a suspicion of where they would be found, but since we decided to cover all the territory we could that day... try some other varieties, see the farms, enjoy the weather and the crew, we did.
We did find someplace we could get them shipped into this week.... so we ordered some. But even without tasting Sweet Dreams, our search made for an adventuresome and fun-filled afternoon.
I am now dreaming about what they might taste like.....
Red Havens, I know; Suncrest I know, but Sweet Dreams are new to me. Frankly... any peach that is picked fresh from the tree when ripened to the peak of perfection is a friend of mine.
We did try these and they were great! These peaches in this box are Regina Red Haven, which were found to be excellent.
In our travels we found all sorts of incredible edibles. Nectarines are pictured here. (They are like peaches, without the fuzz.)
There were also apples, corn, pears...pumpkins on the vine, all sorts of fresh fruits and vegetables. There were even herbs in pots to take home to your kitchen!
There were toys too!
There were wines, jams, jellies, soda pop, of the most unusual flavors ... Coffee, Sarsaparilla, and Huckberry too! There were cool little restaurants to eat in... and lots of beautiful wide open spaces... and of course, fruit growing on trees.
There are some PEACH trees now!
Whoa! The peaches almost ripe!
Green Bluff is awesome!
There was pie, fresh, frozen and even ala mode! (Unfortunately, my camera ran out of power just as we were enjoying our pie ala mode, so I have no photos to show you of that today. Fortunately for us, in addition to pie, we also found lemon bars and brownies too, but that is a whole new story about who gets the last piece of pie!
Yes... it was a lovely day.
Did I mention that we found giant chickens too?
and gargoyles...
and lots of pretty sunflowers....
even a caterpillar on a leaf.
Green Bluff is beautiful.
However, it was a long way home.... for some of us.
hahahaha awesome pics!! we were just out at Green Bluff last week buying peaches, they didnt have much yet...but we just bought what they had..don't know what kind..now I want to try those sweet dreams! I love visiting out there too..I think it would be awesome to have a business out there!